The Unacceptability of Cycling

This tweet at the beginning of March 2021from Jezza Vine ‘started a conversation’, as high profile media types like to say. It wasn’t, however, just an attempt to stir things up. In fact, it was a reasonable question to ask following an incident that Vine had experienced earlier (being called a ‘cunt’ for doing exactly […]

Who are ‘The Drivers’?

You might be forgiven for thinking that there are two tribes out there on the roads, motorists and cyclists, given the ‘war on the roads’ rhetoric that we keep being treated to by apparently reputable media outlets (as its sometimes pointed out, if it’s a war, it’s a tad one-sided). The rhetoric is, of course, […]

With no power comes great responsibility

The trope of ‘sharing’ comes up a lot in the road safety industry. Way back even before the embarrassing and actually borderline insane Niceway Code, this has been the established way of framing messages on road safety. Share the road. And above all, share responsibility. We all have a responsibility to each keep each other […]